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  The data-base lists all published texts which we think belong to the Heroninos Archive (Groups 1-6 in Data conventions, or to the archives and other groups of texts related to it (as defined in Rathbone, Economic Rationalism [1991], with subsequent refinements) (Groups 7-9), or probably belong to one of those archives or groups (Group 10), including external texts which refer to the estates and people of the archives.

  Published texts on the other side of Group 1-10 texts which do not belong to any of these groups, that is unrelated texts, belong to Group 11; most do not yet have their own file, and are recorded in outline under the Group 1-10 text concerned.

   The purpose of this site is to allow online consultation of the data-base.

   For each text, the information currently registered is that listed in the grey boxes on the right of this page (Data conventions).

  For research, you can find sets of information by using the search-form and entering your desired criteria, or you can produce a complete list of texts, or lists of texts grouped in various ways by selecting options from the menu bar at the top of this page.

The Guide to Heroninos Archive was originally developed thanks to a grant of the AIP.

Its final development was made possible thanks to an agreement between the Accademia Fiorentina di Papirologia and the Laboratorio di ricerche storiche ed archeologiche (DipSUSS) of the University of Cassino, funded by Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), in the frame of the PRIN project "Edizione e digitalizzazione dei papiri greci di Firenze, Praga ed Alessandria d'Egitto".

Accademia Fiorentina di Papirologia
e di Studi sul Mondo Antico

The project was managed by D. Rathbone, R. Pintaudi, A. López Garcia, and developed for web by P. Borghesi.

Guide to the Heroninos Archive - Data conventions
 Published text

Papyri and ostraka are cited by the conventions of the Checklist, using collection designation, volume (in Roman numerals), number and, if required, recto and verso; the page number for P.Lond. is also given in brackets - e.g. ‘P.Lond. III 948 recto (p. 219)’.
 Other designations

When a document has been re-published and given a new designation (whether SB or other), the previous designations are given here. Also recorded are re-publications of the text in collections such as W.Chr. and Sel.Pap.
 Location; inv. number

 Material (recto/verso)

 Width and Height



 Type of text

 Author, Addressee (Names)



 Publication history; bibliography



  Examples of search
  Here there are some examples to see the use of the search form on the left. After any search, click 'Reset all' to come back to this page. For listing all texts now in the Data-base, click 'Reset all' to clear criteria, and then click any 'Submit' button.

Examples:  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11  12  13  14 
1) To find all letters from Appianus to Heroninos, select 'Appianus' from drop-down list in Names, 'Author' from Role drop-down list, then 'Heroninos' and 'Addressee' from the other drop-down lists; then click 'submit' or press Enter key.

Note: this will exclude letters from Appianus to unknown addressees (in fact none). After click in a drop-down list it's possible to start writing to find an item in the list.
1) To find all letters from Appianus to Heroninos, select 'Appianus' from drop-down list in Names, 'Author' from Role drop-down list, then 'Heroninos' and 'Addressee' from the other drop-down lists; then click 'submit' or press Enter key.

Note: this will exclude letters from Appianus to unknown addressees (in fact none). After click in a drop-down list it's possible to start writing to find an item in the list.
2) To find all letters from Herakleides, select 'Herakleides' and 'Author' from the drop-down lists, and choose 'Letter' into the 'Type of text' box (in practice this excludes the one receipt he authored).

To find only Herakleides letters which we think relate to his own estate, also select '4 Herakleides estate' from the drop-down menu of the Group box (one result).

It's possible to reset all criteria with 'Reset all', or only criteria of one section with the small 'Reset' button in each section. All the 'submit' buttons are equivalent.
3) To find if Heroninos is known to have received any letter(s) from, say, an Philandros (in fact he is not), click on 'Name' drop-down box, and type 'Phi', or more letters. The name 'Philandros' is not present.

4) To find all documents authored by or addressed to Eirenaios, select 'Eirenaios' from Names list, and nothing ('-') in Role box.

To find all documents written to Heroninos not authored by Alypios, use 'Not' option:

5) To find all documents of the Appianus estate written on the recto of the papyrus, select '1 Appianus estate' from the drop-down menu in the Group box, and choose 'papyrus' and 'Ro' from lists in Object section.

6) To find all documents of the Appianus estate which have another estate or estate-related text on the other side of the papyrus, select '1 Appianus estate' from the drop-down menu in the Group box, then click 'Back' option and choose another estate from the list.

7) To find monthly accounts of Heroninos on sheets of papyrus around 21 cm high, choose 'Heroninos' and 'Author' from drop-down lists, and 'accounts - monthly' into the 'Type of text' box (or just select '1b Appianus estate, accounts' in the Group box, and ignore the irrelevant results)

and '20' and '22' for the range of the object height:

Click any 'submit button' or press 'Enter'.

8) To find all fragments of registers of property re-used for writing documents of the Appianus and related estates, click 'Back' option into 'Group of text' section and select 'Appianus estate' from list box,then select 'Register' from 'Type of text' section.

9) To find all Receipts authored by Herakleides in Mecheir year 6, select Herakleides and Author from the two drop down boxes, type the year and select 'Mecheir' into the 'Ancient Date' section, ('from' and 'to' boxes); then choose 'Receipt' in 'Type of text' box.

10) To find all text dated with year 262, type 262 into both boxes of section 'Year'.

This wil find also texts dated, e.g, '249-268', or '[before 264 / 11 / 8]', and so on.
Use the 'strict' option to find only texts whose years ranges completely lie within the search range.
To do a search with single date, type the same date in 'From' and 'To' sections:

11) To list together texts in the Egyptian Museum (Cairo) and texts in Graeco-Roman Museum (Alexandria), use the 'Or' option:

'Or' option allows to add inclusive criteria.
12) To search texts of Collection 'P.Flor.' in volume not II, use not option:

With 'Not' option it's possible to add criteria to exclude texts from search. To search freely in the 'published text', use 'Free search':

13) To search letters reused for accounts, use 'Back' option:

To search letters of Appianus Estate reused for accounts of Posidonios Estate, use 'Back' option for Group and Type of text:

14) To search text not belonging to Appianus Estate, reused for texts authored by Alypios, we must use 'Not' and 'Back':